Rediscover Sex and Love to Overcome Intimacy Blocks andĀ Create the Sex and Love LifeĀ That You Desire andĀ DeserveĀ 

...Here areĀ 3 Steps you can implement nowĀ that are working to help people let go of outdated beliefs, relearn new forms of pleasure, and love more deeply and authentically.

"I feel something happening that's never happened before. I now have a new set of tools under my belt that I'm going to bring with me into the rest of my life."


Book Your Free 10-MinuteĀ IntroĀ Call



What We're Doing

  1. We're helping people substantially improve their mental health  by not relying solely on ineffective coping mechanisms but by implementing our proprietary, Conditioning-Based Methodology.
  2. We're getting people who previously struggled with either anxiety, depression, or chronic stress for months, years, or decades, to feel like themselves again in just 3 months on average.
  3. We're helping people STAY in control of their mental health using a super simple "daily disciplines for conditioning maintenance" approach that's working better than anything available in the industry.

How We're Doing It

  1. We use conditioning-based Mental Health Coaching to help people substantially improve their mental health in a few months on average. We are routinely regarded by our clients as a vastly superior service to traditional coping-based approaches.
  2. We provide free guidance to as many people a year as we can through short, 10-minute clarity calls where I learn what your problem is, what your goals are, I help you see why what you've tried hasn't worked, and I advise you on your best next step.
  3. If I can help you further, you'll have the option to redeem a free, 45-minute Breakthrough Consultation for additional guidance with no catch.

The Requirements

  1. Improving your mental health must be a priority. There are so many people who need our help, and so we have to prioritize people that are actually ready to implement our advice.
  2. You must be willing to take action. You will be given 1 or more actionable next steps to implement immediately.
  3. Show up on time. I'm certainly not going to waste your time. We are going to get down to brass tax of where you're at right now, where you want to be, and how you can get there fast.